How to Make Comment Box Blogger DoFollow

Do you know that by default, blogger comment box is nofollow?

As a user of blogger you might have noticed that, getting traffic to your blog is not an easy task. Every internet marketer tried their best and applied lots of tricks to generate traffics. Someone keeps commenting on the other blogs or others doing SEO practice for increasing their blog traffics.

The newbie blogger even the expert they spend a time to comment other blog so that increase backlinks. The wordpress blog owner use a plugin that is commentluv. This plugin helps blog reader to put their comment. And they get a quality backlinks which is dofollow.

Comment Box DoFollow

Have you ever been asked a question to yourself why your blog could not get comment as a wordpress blog would get. The reason is blogger comment option are nofollow. Everyone know that, dofollow backlinks is much better than a nofollow links. So if you want to get more traffic to your site, then apply this simple tricks and will be surely give you incredible results.

Making comment option DoFollow

It is so simple to, you just follow below steps:
1. Login your blogger id, then go to edit template option.

Make Comment Box DoFollow

2. Find the below code (Press Ctrl + F paste below code on search box and hit enter)
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>
3. After that, change the above code with below code <a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' ><></a>
4. Now save your blog template. 

Now your blog comment option is dofollow. Give a message to your blog reader that keep commenting on our blog you will get a dofollow backlinks etc.

Hopefully you like the above post and help you to get more comment as well as more traffics. If you have any opinion with this post, fell free to share with me.

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