Is A Free Blogspot Site Can Be A Successful Blog Site?

A common question I was getting from my friends and my blog reader that was is a blogspot blog can be a successful blog?. If you're one of them and having this type of question, then you will get your answer from this post. Blogging is a trusted and honorable way to make money online. For that reason everyone want to make a blog. To create a site you need a Domain and Hosting.
Google provide us free Domain and  Hosting, for this reasons every Blogger start and make their first Blog  in free Blogspot blogging platform. However, now time to giving your answer of blogspot success. Let's start
My ans is Yes. Blogging success depend on well and unique content & SEO. Platform is not major fact whatever worpress, jomla, blogger they just help your blog looking more professional, nothings else.
Blogspot Site Can Be A Successful Blog Site?

Today I will share a successful Blogspot site, I think this site have to ans your question. Let's see

Successful Blogspot Blog Site

      • Site link--
      • Google page rank -- 5
      • Alexa rank--   24527
      • Site link --
      • Google page rank--- 4
      • Alexa rank-- 22,041
      • Daily page view-- 31,367

      I think all of you may got your ans. So all blogger who create Blogspot site, never be upset just write unique article and apply SEO on your site. You can must  be a successful Blogger.If you get somethings help from this post, then please share on your Facebook wall, page timeline, and other social media

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